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Afie Mirshah-Nayar

Standard 1

"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."
--Henry Brooks Adams

Instructional Specialists show their commitment to students and student learning through their work with Teachers, Administrators, Support Staff, and the broader educational community.

Artifact #1 - Email from Secondary ESOL Instructional Specialist

Dear Afie,

I want to really thank you for all your collaboration in organizing and planning for the HS teachers' meeting. I enjoyed working with you to prepare for this meeting. You always do incredible work on your presentations.

Instructional Specialist, ESOL

Artifact #2 - Email from NSL Content Teacher
Dear Afie,

I can't thank you enough for coming in today and providing my NSL classes with an outstanding and highly practical lesson on NSL BCRs.  I know that it was a real eye-opener (and most likely a mind-opener) for very many if not almost all of my NSL students.  I know that I enjoyed and learned from your lesson as much as anyone present, and I plan to follow up with the materials and ideas you left behind.  I truly anticipate that almost all of my students who heard your lesson today will end up with a higher score on the HSA because of it.  You are clearly a master teacher.

I sincerely hope that we can work together again in the future.  If there is anyone in your office to whom an expression of gratitude for your contribution, please let me know.  I promise to use real paper instead of an e-mail.

Most sincerely,
NSL Teacher

Artifact #3 - Within Our Walls!
These are WOWs I received at the most recent April SDCS team meeting. 
You really made a difference because....
-you helped refocus the grade 9 design team meeting and really offered good suggestions.
-you provided such great guidance and input for the Bio cohorts this year and follow-up with the interactive word wall user's guide as well as your keen eye for NEO revisions.
-you are green! ps it's a good thing
-you have provided support, friendship, and hard work to bring Blair along this year with me! Thanks!
-you always have time to look things over, talk about school, or help me figure something out.  Thanks!

Artifact #4 - Email from ESOL RT
You've done a great job this year, Afie.  We are lucky to have you.

Artifact #5 - Email from ESOL RT
Your presentation on March 23 was very meaningful and relevant---not only for ELLs but for the "changes we see in students" school-wide ..... In the mainstream, we don't always know the "language" of students and so mainstream teaching is more of a challenge today, perhaps than ever before!

Artifact #6 - Agendas 

Blair HS - Geom.

Blair HS - Alg.

Gaithersburg HS

Springbrook HS

Wheaton HS

Wootton HS

Artifact #7 - PowerPoints

SDTs PowerPoint

Academic Lit. Symposium

These artifacts highlight my work with a variety of different professionals within MCPS.  What I value about these artifacts is that they represent appreciation from teachers, ESOL staff, central office staff, and very importantly our own SDCS team!