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Afie Mirshah-Nayar

Standard 5

"The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards."
--Anatole France

Instructional Specialists are committed to continuous improvement and professional development.
Artifact #1 - Attended the NSDC conference
My first NSDC conference!
Click on Picture to get information about the conference.
Artifact #2 - Work on doctoral degree in progress.

A link to my doctoral program

Artifact #3 - Work on Administration and Supervision certification in progress.


Artifact #4 - MCPS Professional Development
Attended Outlook Training
OAT 1 - In progress
Studying Skillful Teaching 2 for Instructional Specialists and Staff Development Teachers - registered for Fall 2005

Artifact #5 - List Serves
I currently receive daily, weekly, and monthly emails from the following sources: 
     ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
     Education Week
     MCPS Diversity Team

These artifacts demonstrate my personal goals regarding my own professional development.